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We had a dream…

To live, work, play and relax on the water with our family and friends.

We found a dock and then searched for a ship which would fulfill our needs: luxurious yet comfortable living, close to nature, with natural accents in a light & open living space.


Much space to wine & dine with diverse groups to celebrate many occasions, open yet also intimate rooms to provide opportunity to reflect and relax by yourself or connect in smaller groups, both indoor as well as outdoor.


The moment we set foot on our boat, our minds open up and we feel a level of freedom and adventure that we did not experience when living onshore. We are close to nature’s forces and have a quick feel with what the weather will be, by waking up on the waves of the IJmeer. At any given season we slide our doors open and live outdoors, which also gives us a degree of freedom and luxury we only experienced when on a holiday before.

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FRISIA XV is an old ferry boat that sailed in the early ‘40s between the mainland and the island Just. It could handle 220 passengers, horses and carriages in those days…


After a quarter of a century, the 'red' cross inherited the ferry boat and used it for day trips to their patients. The next 25 years FRISIA XV was refurbished into a party ship which hosted multiple marriages, jubilees, celebrations and ceremonies over the years in mainly the south of the country. On the Maas river she was found by her latest owners who transformed the passenger vessel into the house boat it is today, where the original ferry’s design was restored in a modern version of the 21st century.



"We love the water, and how water connects people with people and people with nature"


We have multiple activity spaces as well as seating corners. The core dining and kitchen area is spacious including a cooking island and bar, as well as a buffet on both sides of the ship.

The steering hut gives room to 6 work spaces as well as an intimate living room area including a fireplace and open sliding door which gives entrance to the upper deck and terrace. Here you have a view on Vuurtoreneiland (Lighthouse island) and Durgerdam as well as neighboring museum ships in the classical port.
There is also room for yoga sessions, and a small private cinema area which can seat up to 10 people.


We made the ship as energy neutral as possible, by heating our home and water with a heat pump, installing a wide range of solar panels on the steering hut roof and isolating the full ship with superior isolation and triple glass windows. On sunny days our energy use is close to net zero, which makes this the most CO2 neutral ship in the port.

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Its interior, tasteful design with natural touches of greenery (vertical wall gardens), as well its nautical capabilities brought the FRISIA XV to the Top-3 finalists of the “Living boat of the year” in 2020 - the year she was brought to her new home dock in Amsterdam.


The boat can sleep up to 15 guests and caters for wining & dining for groups up to 50 - inside or outside depending on your desires. On multiple occasions we have had a DJ sparking for your dance moves as well - if you like!

Curious about all the private & business experiences on this ship?

Please let us know how we can make your personalized experience - with a nautical twist - happen!
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